Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Ban "My daughter, the Terrorist" A Black Tiger Propaganda Movie from being Featured at the Film Festival, EROS Urges US

Eelam Revolutionary Organization (EROS) is urging the US to ban the "black tiger" film titled, My daughter, the terrorist from a US film festival held in North Carolina on April 4th. The EROS group claims the film is 'blatent propaganda' and glorifying such a lifestyle will have devestating effects on the US because it will urge others to join the terrorist union. The black tigers, or Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), which is a banned terrorist organization in the E.U. and the US, has apparent links to Al-Queda, and this form of propaganda in favor of suicide bombing and terrorism should be banned, EROS says.

Full artical:

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