Monday, March 31, 2008

Report claims Army ads 'glamorise war'

This report focuses on how the ads targeting young people to join the military in the UK glamorise the war and the new soldiers don't fully understand what they are getting into. The artical suggests the propaganda omit important information and fail to tell of the risks. It also mentions how the young people arn't informed of laws they will be subjected to and forced to follow as well as the risks and legalities based on unclear information.

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Teachers criticise armed forces 'propaganda'

The teacher's union in the UK has denounced military recruitment propaganda in schools based on the unbalanced vision created by the military. With the propaganda reflecting a more misleading life in the military, the teachers are worried about the impression on such young children. The military in the UK denied this, claiming the ads in schools are important to raising awareness. However, teachers still believe the campaigns should be more balanced, reflecting the unglamorous side as well.

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Hollywood's Latest Anti-War Propaganda Flick 'DOA'

This clearly opinionated artical depicts how America isn't ready for an anti-Iraq war film yet, and the movie will most likely tank due to the fact the movie is anti-war. The writer of this artical beleives because the movie was made to have the characters not wanting to return to Iraq instead of being 'brave' and fighting, the American public won't see it.

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